Table of cards

From SmutstoneWiki

Base values of playable cards as per the source code. Note that in game health of cards is actually 3 times higher than this value. Power is the average of attack and health. Offensiveness is how much attack contributes to power (15%-85%).

Table of cards[edit | edit source]

Card Rarity Color Attack Health Power Offensiveness
Bone Talker Mythic Dark 191.25 33.75 112.5 85%
Calipso Mythic Fire 168.75 56.25 112.5 75%
Combat Master Mythic Light 168.75 56.25 112.5 75%
Storm Walker Mythic Water 157.5 67.5 112.5 70%
Wyvern Rider Legendary Fire 122.5 52.5 87.5 70%
Femida Legendary Light 122.5 52.5 87.5 70%
Inquisitor Epic Fire 105 45 75 70%
Axewoman Rare Earth 87.5 37.5 62.5 70%
Fallen Angel Rare Dark 87.5 37.5 62.5 70%
Adventuress Rare Light 87.5 37.5 62.5 70%
XXXmas Hare Common Water 70 30 50 70%
Cabin Girl Common Fire 70 30 50 70%
Praetorian Common Light 70 30 50 70%
Assassin Legendary Light 117.25 57.75 87.5 67%
Temptress Mythic Fire 146.25 78.75 112.5 65%
Lady Butterfly Mythic Earth 146.25 78.75 112.5 65%
Blade Master Mythic Dark 146.25 78.75 112.5 65%
Bone Walker Mythic Light 146.25 78.75 112.5 65%
Oglodi Legendary Water 113.75 61.25 87.5 65%
Dark Twins Legendary Dark 113.75 61.25 87.5 65%
Owl Legendary Dark 113.75 61.25 87.5 65%
Undead Queen Legendary Dark 113.75 61.25 87.5 65%
Elven Elder Epic Earth 97.5 52.5 75 65%
Forest Spirit Epic Earth 97.5 52.5 75 65%
Geomancer Rare Water 81.25 43.75 62.5 65%
Harpy Rare Fire 81.25 43.75 62.5 65%
Sentinel Rare Fire 81.25 43.75 62.5 65%
Pharmacist Rare Fire 81.25 43.75 62.5 65%
Conjurer Rare Earth 81.25 43.75 62.5 65%
Trainer Rare Earth 81.25 43.75 62.5 65%
Overseer Rare Dark 81.25 43.75 62.5 65%
Succubus Common Fire 65 35 50 65%
Doll Common Fire 65 35 50 65%
Mechanic Common Earth 65 35 50 65%
Arquebusier Common Earth 65 35 50 65%
Shadow Common Earth 65 35 50 65%
Ataman Common Dark 65 35 50 65%
Outworld Devourer Common Dark 65 35 50 65%
Cultist Legendary Light 105 70 87.5 60%
Aquarius Epic Water 90 60 75 60%
Savage Epic Fire 90 60 75 60%
Lady of Fire Epic Fire 90 60 75 60%
Lady of Storms Rare Water 75 50 62.5 60%
Morozko Rare Water 75 50 62.5 60%
Pirate Rare Water 75 50 62.5 60%
Stepmother Rare Fire 75 50 62.5 60%
Capitan Rare Fire 75 50 62.5 60%
Corpse Flower Rare Light 75 50 62.5 60%
Snowman Common Water 60 40 50 60%
Butcher Common Fire 60 40 50 60%
Venus Mythic Earth 123.75 101.25 112.5 55%
Officer Mythic Dark 123.75 101.25 112.5 55%
Oni Mythic Light 123.75 101.25 112.5 55%
Snow Maiden Legendary Water 96.25 78.75 87.5 55%
Occultist Legendary Earth 96.25 78.75 87.5 55%
Harlequin Legendary Dark 96.25 78.75 87.5 55%
Light Elemental Legendary Light 96.25 78.75 87.5 55%
Countess Epic Water 82.5 67.5 75 55%
East Genie Epic Water 82.5 67.5 75 55%
Heretic Epic Fire 82.5 67.5 75 55%
Seer Epic Fire 82.5 67.5 75 55%
Heathen Epic Fire 82.5 67.5 75 55%
Blade Dancer Epic Earth 82.5 67.5 75 55%
Illusionist Epic Earth 82.5 67.5 75 55%
Tribal Epic Earth 82.5 67.5 75 55%
Snow Queen Rare Water 68.75 56.25 62.5 55%
Barbarian Rare Fire 68.75 56.25 62.5 55%
Blind Warrior Rare Fire 68.75 56.25 62.5 55%
Archeress Rare Earth 68.75 56.25 62.5 55%
Jester Rare Earth 68.75 56.25 62.5 55%
Dark Queen Rare Dark 68.75 56.25 62.5 55%
Swamp Witch Rare Dark 68.75 56.25 62.5 55%
XXXmas Deer Common Water 55 45 50 55%
Fire Elemental Common Fire 55 45 50 55%
Blacksmith Common Fire 55 45 50 55%
Wind Runner Common Fire 55 45 50 55%
Assault Girl Common Earth 55 45 50 55%
Bedouin Common Earth 55 45 50 55%
Shaman Common Dark 55 45 50 55%
Shepherdess Common Light 55 45 50 55%
Zariel Mythic Light 112.5 112.5 112.5 50%
Amazon Legendary Water 87.5 87.5 87.5 50%
Astrologer Legendary Fire 87.5 87.5 87.5 50%
Fairy Epic Water 75 75 75 50%
Lady of the Lake Epic Water 75 75 75 50%
Geisha Epic Light 75 75 75 50%
Thief Common Earth 51 51 51


Alice Common Dark 50 50 50 50%
Enchantress Common Light 50 50 50 50%
Gatekeeper Common Light 50 50 50 50%
Krampus Mythic Water 101.25 123.75 112.5 45%
Baker Epic Water 67.5 82.5 75 45%
Fencer Epic Fire 67.5 82.5 75 45%
Soul Catcher Epic Dark 67.5 82.5 75 45%
Dryad Epic Light 67.5 82.5 75 45%
Crow Girl Rare Fire 56.25 68.75 62.5 45%
Navigator Rare Fire 56.25 68.75 62.5 45%
Dark Angel Rare Dark 56.25 68.75 62.5 45%
Unicorn Rare Light 56.25 68.75 62.5 45%
Snow White Common Earth 45 55 50 45%
Moiru Common Dark 45 55 50 45%
Slave Common Light 45 55 50 45%
Witch Doctor Legendary Earth 70 105 87.5 40%
Medusa Legendary Earth 70 105 87.5 40%
Reaper Legendary Dark 70 105 87.5 40%
Marmalade Lady Epic Water 60 90 75 40%
Alchemist Epic Earth 60 90 75 40%
Lady of Snakes Epic Earth 60 90 75 40%
Lone Druid Epic Earth 60 90 75 40%
Dark Priestress Epic Dark 60 90 75 40%
Pharaoh Epic Dark 60 90 75 40%
Cinderella Rare Water 50 75 62.5 40%
Leprechaun Rare Earth 50 75 62.5 40%
Carrot Snow Common Water 40 60 50 40%
Undine Common Water 40 60 50 40%
Water Elemental Common Water 40 60 50 40%
Tamer Common Fire 40 60 50 40%
Traveler Common Fire 40 60 50 40%
Healer Legendary Water 66.5 108.5 87.5 38%
XXXmas Elf Legendary Earth 66.5 108.5 87.5 38%
Farmer Mythic Earth 78.75 146.25 112.5 35%
Red Riding Hood Legendary Fire 61.25 113.75 87.5 35%
Valkirie Legendary Fire 61.25 113.75 87.5 35%
XXXmas Spirit Legendary Fire 61.25 113.75 87.5 35%
Warlock Legendary Dark 61.25 113.75 87.5 35%
Elemental Hunter Epic Water 52.5 97.5 75 35%
Tavern Master Epic Fire 52.5 97.5 75 35%
Arabian Princess Rare Light 43.75 81.25 62.5 35%
Bard Rare Light 43.75 81.25 62.5 35%
Waitress Rare Light 43.75 81.25 62.5 35%
Mermaid Common Water 35 65 50 35%
Cook Common Fire 35 65 50 35%
Earth Elemental Common Earth 35 65 50 35%
Gypsy Common Dark 35 65 50 35%
Mercy Sister Epic Light 48 102 75 32%
Mrs. Blizzard Legendary Water 52.5 122.5 87.5 30%
Light Angel Epic Light 45 105 75 30%
CatGirl Rare Water 37.5 87.5 62.5 30%
Red Witch Rare Fire 37.5 87.5 62.5 30%
Maid Rare Light 37.5 87.5 62.5 30%
Twins Common Water 30 70 50 30%
Vampire Epic Dark 37.5 112.5 75 25%
Nutcracker Rare Water 31.25 93.75 62.5 25%
Witch Rare Dark 31.25 93.75 62.5 25%
Satyr Common Earth 25 75 50 25%
Avenger Common Light 25 75 50 25%
Vengeance Spirit Mythic Fire 33.75 191.25 112.5 15%
Mjandash Mythic Light 33.75 191.25 112.5 15%

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Thief notably has 51 base power compared to 50 for all other common cards