
From SmutstoneWiki

Card power[edit | edit source]

The power of a card is the average of its attack value and one third of its health. This value is rounded up to nearest integer.

Power = ceil[(Attack + Health / 3) / 2]

where ceil() is the ceiling function (round up to nearest integer).

Deck power[edit | edit source]

Deck power is the sum of the power of all cards in the deck, after rounding.

Card stats[edit | edit source]

Stats are affected by number of stars and card level . Each star increases stats by 100% of base value. Each level increases stats by 15% of base value. Base values are listed in table of cards.

Attack[edit | edit source]

Attack = ceil[BaseAttack * (Stars + 50.0 * Levels)]

Health[edit | edit source]

Health = 3 * ceil[BaseHealth * (Stars + 50.0 * Levels)]

Example[edit | edit source]

Shaman 3 stars, level 3:

BaseAttack = 55.0
Attack = ceil(55 * (3 + 50.0 * 3)) = ceil(1890.75) = 1900
BaseHealth = 45.0
Health = 3 * ceil(45 * (3 + 50.0 * 3)) = 3 * ceil(1550.25) = 3 * 1560 = 4680

Additional bonuses[edit | edit source]

Additional bonuses are applied after the above calculation, and in the following order:

Event and gem bonus[edit | edit source]

Stat1 = ceil[Stat0 * (15 + Event)] + Gem10 + Gem20

where Stat0 represents either Attack or Health and Stat1 is the enhanced Attack or Health shown on the card. Event is the event bonus, usually 500%, as a rational number , i.e. 500% = 2.

Note: the gem bonus is calculated separately from the natural attack and health value, which creates a small difference between the expected card power and the actual card power. To calculate the actual card power, use

Power = ceil[(Attack + Health / 10) / 20] + floor[2 * (Gem1 + Gem2) / 20]

where floor() is the floor function (round down to nearest integer).

Example[edit | edit source]

Harlequin 1 star, level 1, 2 chipped amethysts:

BaseAttack = 96.25
Attack     = ceil(96.25 * (1 + 5.0* 1))
           = ceil(1100.6875) = 11100
Gem1 = 10, Gem2 = 10
Attack1    = ceil[Attack * (1 + Event)] + Gem1 + Gem2 = ceil[1110 * (1 + 0)] + 10 + 10
           = ceil(1110) + 20 = 1110 + 20 = 13100 (The attack shown on the card)

BaseHealth = 78.75
Health     = 3 * ceil(78.75 * (1 + 5.0 * 1)) = 3 * ceil(350.5625)
           = 3 * 91 = 2730
Gem1 = 10, Gem2 = 10
Health1    = ceil[Health * (1 + Event)] + Gem1 + Gem2
           = ceil[2730 * (1 + 0)] + 10 + 10
           = 2730 + 20 = 2930 (The health shown on the card)

Power      = ceil[(Attack + Health / 3) / 2] + floor[2 * (Gem1 + Gem2) / 3]
           = ceil[(1110 + 2730 / 3) / 2] + floor[2 * (10 + 10) / 3]
           = ceil(1010) + floor (13.333) = 1010 + 13 = 1140

Card Set bonus[edit | edit source]

Stat = floor[Stat * (1 + Set)]

Set represents the set bonus as a real number, e.g. 5% = 0.05, etc.

Summary[edit | edit source]

Ignoring rounding off errors due to the above calculations, stats can be approximated as:

Attack = [BaseAttack * (Stars + 0.15 * Levels) * (1 + Event) + Gem1 + Gem2] * (1 + Set)
Health = 3 * [BaseHealth * (Stars + 0.15 * Levels) * (1 + Event) + Gem1 + Gem2] * (1 + Set)

Power  = ceil[(Attack + Health / 3) / 2] + floor[2 * (Gem1 + Gem2) / 3]