Rainy Week

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Rainy Week
Color Blue
Duration 7 days
Tournament Ranking
Pts Raining Cups
1st - 3rd 175 Magic Pearls
4th - 20th 125 Magic Pearls
21st - 50th 75 Magic Pearls
Currencies / Coffers
  • White Pearls / Mermaid Coffers
  • Black Pearls / Newt Coffers
  • Magic Pearls / Poseidon Coffers
  • This event concludes all types of events we got so far (5 colors and 7/21 days durations), so the next events will tell whether they will be repeated or not.

    Getting White Pearls gives you the same amount of Raining Cups, only for the same day. After the leaders are determined, the Raining Cups quantity is reset. There's no Tournament held on the last day of the Event.

    Pearls[edit | edit source]

    The event features three types of Pearls : White, Black and Magic Pearls.

    White Pearls - obtained from duel chests, beating campaign chapters, or purchase using gems.

    Black Pearls - obtained from beating campaign chapters (with 3 stars for the 1st time only), or picking in a Mermaid Coffer.

    Magic Pearls - obtained from winning the event daily tournament (top 50 with most Raining Cups each day), or picking in a Newt Coffer.

    Coffers[edit | edit source]

    W = White

    B = Black

    M = Magic

    P = Pearls

    Mermaid Coffer
    Newt Coffer
    Poseidon Coffer
    Cost 1500 WP 500 BP 100 MP

    Mermaid Coffer - 3 pickings, 1 unique event card and Black Pearls instead of cards are guaranteed. Unfortunately, you may be forced to choose between Black Pearls and a unique event card.

    Newt Coffer - 5 pickings, 1 unique event card and Magic Pearls instead of cards are guaranteed. Likewise, you may be forced to choose between Magic Pearls and a unique event card.

    Poseidon Coffer - 10 pickings, many unique event cards are guaranteed.

    Event Cards[edit | edit source]

    These cards can only be obtained by opening the appropriate coffers during the event. You must get all 6 cards to get the 7th mythic one, and also seduce ALL 6 cards to automatically have the mythic at the same lowest star of all other 6 cards !

    • for the duration of the event, these cards will gain a bonus of +200% to AT and HP.

    Campaign[edit | edit source]

    Like the old events, campaign mode takes place in a familiar map, where battles require some energy, and you fight against 7 enemy cards like in duels. While you can beat chapters with just 1 star (1 card left), you want to win with 3 stars to earn Black Pearls. There are 90 chapters in total, split in 3 sliding maps (like dungeons) :

    Chapter Enemy Deck Power Energy Cost Rewards : S = Star
    First time Repeat / WP
    1S / WP 2S / WP 3S / BP
    1 Vritra 882 8 10 25 20 5
    2 Vritra 984 8 12 30 24 6
    3 Vritra 1128 8 14 35 28 7
    4 Vritra 1300 9 16 40 32 8
    5 Vritra 1532 9 18 45 36 9
    6 Vritra 1743 9 20 50 40 10
    7 Vritra 2035 10 22 55 44 11
    8 Vritra 2338 10 24 60 48 12
    9 Vritra 2690 10 26 65 52 13
    10 Vritra 2996 11 28 70 56 14
    11 Vritra 3334 11 30 75 60 15
    12 Vritra 3683 11 32 80 64 16
    13 Vritra 3870 12 34 85 68 17
    14 Vritra 4047 12 36 90 72 18
    15 Vritra 4176 12 38 95 76 19
    16 Vritra 4264 13 40 100 80 20
    17 Vritra 4376 13 42 105 84 21
    18 Vritra 4493 13 44 110 88 22
    19 Vritra 4699 14 46 115 92 23
    20 Vritra 4820 14 48 120 96 24
    21 Vritra 4970 14 50 125 100 25
    22 Vritra 5089 15 52 130 100 26
    23 Vritra 5180 15 54 135 100 27
    24 Vritra 5329 15 56 140 100 28
    25 Vritra 5454 16 58 145 100 29
    26 Vritra 5592 16 60 150 100 30
    27 Vritra 5731 16 62 155 100 31
    28 Vritra 5870 17 64 160 100 32
    29 Vritra 6020 17 66 165 100 33
    30 Vritra 6175 17 68 170 100 34
    31 Vritra 6264 18 72 180 100 36
    32 Vritra 6381 18 76 190 100 38
    33 Vritra 6451 18 80 200 100 40
    34 Vritra 6565 19 84 210 100 42
    35 Vritra 6638 19 88 220 100 44
    36 Vritra 6740 8 92 230 100 46
    37 Vritra 6862 8 96 240 100 48
    38 Vritra 6960 8 100 250 100 50
    39 Vritra 7058 9 104 260 100 52
    40 Vritra 7165 9 108 270 100 54
    41 Vritra 7313 9 112 280 100 56
    42 Vritra 7429 10 116 290 100 58
    43 Vritra 7519 10 120 300 100 60
    44 Vritra 7638 10 124 310 100 62
    45 Vritra 7750 11 128 320 100 64
    46 Vritra 7861 11 132 330 100 66
    47 Vritra 8006 11 136 340 100 68
    48 Vritra 8127 12 140 350 100 70
    49 Vritra 8251 12 144 360 100 72
    50 Vritra 8355 12 148 370 100 74
    51 Vritra 8487 13 152 380 100 76
    52 Vritra 8625 13 156 390 100 78
    53 Vritra 8764 13 160 400 100 80
    54 Vritra 8889 14 164 410 100 82
    55 Vritra 9032 14 168 420 100 84
    56 Vritra 9187 14 172 430 100 86
    57 Vritra 9335 15 176 440 100 88
    58 Vritra 9465 15 180 450 100 90
    59 Vritra 9596 15 184 460 100 92
    60 Vritra 9738 16 188 470 100 94
    61 Vritra 9911 16 196 490 100 98
    62 Vritra 10069 16 204 510 100 102
    63 Vritra 10203 17 212 530 100 106
    64 Vritra 10373 17 220 550 100 110
    65 Vritra 10523 17 228 570 100 114
    66 Vritra 10697 18 236 590 100 118
    67 Vritra 10864 18 244 610 100 122
    68 Vritra 11034 18 252 630 100 126
    69 Vritra 11220 19 260 650 100 130
    70 Vritra 11384 19 268 670 100 134
    71 Vritra 11569 8 276 690 100 138
    72 Vritra 11746 8 284 710 100 142
    73 Vritra 11918 8 292 730 100 146
    74 Vritra 12102 9 300 750 100 150
    75 Vritra 12295 9 308 770 100 154
    76 Vritra 12484 9 316 790 100 158
    77 Vritra 12674 10 324 810 100 162
    78 Vritra 12887 10 332 830 100 166
    79 Vritra 13057 10 340 850 100 170
    80 Vritra 13271 11 348 870 100 174
    81 Vritra 13467 11 356 890 100 178
    82 Vritra 13683 11 364 910 100 182
    83 Vritra 13893 12 372 930 100 186
    84 Vritra 14097 12 380 950 100 190
    85 Vritra 14322 12 388 970 100 194
    86 Vritra 14576 13 396 990 100 198
    87 Vritra 14781 13 404 1010 100 202
    88 Vritra 15002 13 412 1030 100 206
    89 Vritra 15255 14 420 1050 100 210
    90 Vritra 15487 14 428 1070 100 214